At META we have a dual focus here.
The profits of the company and
your own profit-ability.

Profitability is like riding a bicycle.
Once you learn you don’t forget.
The ability comes back pretty easily.

Metadata is analyzing how financial data
is collected and processed.
This is surprisingly rare in the business world.
Real information helps YOU make
the important choices and decisions.
All other data is trivia.
Accountants routinely prepare financial statements
for the taxman and the bank.
Typically there is little or
no useful information for owners of
companies in the small business sector.
And guess who pays the bill?
At META we have a saying.

Successful owners know
business is a numbers game.
If you get good information
you will naturally guide your company
towards financial success.

The twin questions are:
What does good information look like?
(This can be very challenging — especially
when you haven’t seen it before)
How can your company
consistently produce it for you?

META’s Profitability Compass
delivers great information that is
customized for your company & teaches
you how to take charge & effectively manage
your financial information systems.
Good information and the typical statements
you get from your bookkeeper/accountant
cost about the same to produce, but
the impacts on your profits and
your personal lifestyle
The choice is yours.
Book a Discovery Session.
We’ll show you easy-to-read, powerful reports
that can be customized for your company.
They are focused on improving the
company’s profits and your profitability.
Get the information you need
when you need it.

Profitability is like baseball.
- The Batter’s Box is Sales & Marketing.
- First Base is covering the direct costs of doing business.
- Second Base is direct costs plus overheads.
- Third Base is direct costs plus overheads & a fair wage for yourself.
- Getting across Home Plate is the company also earning solid profits.
At Third Base you have a job.
The company’s sale value isn’t very high.
Companies are typically valued
at a multiple of the profits.
In business—just like baseball
if you don’t score—you don’t win.
Even before you’re ready to sell
Profits pay back your initial investment and
reward you for the risks you’ve taken.
They can be reinvested or taken out as dividends.
Increasing profits is the fastest and best way
to increase the value of your company.
Good News!
Profitability is a learned skill.
META’s Profitability Compass will have your company
tracking towards industry-leading profits.
The tools and training are practical and powerful.
We customize them specifically for your company.
Book a Discovery Session and see for yourself.

Do you have time for a 45-minute conversation?
We’ll we give you a detailed look at our
proven methods, reports and training
that consistently get great results for owners.